Familiar Unknowns

Amélia, an emerging non-binary filmmaker, has been given 2 months and a research grant to find out more about francophone queer life in western Canada. As the only participant from (what is colonially known as) British-Columbia and with only 3 weeks left, the pressure is on: Amélia rushes to find any traces of francophone queer people in Vancouver before the year 2000, the year they were born.

Amidst this chaotic research effort, they find André, an older French-Canadian gay man that lived in Vancouver for 25 years, through the 80s and the early 2000s. Through their conversations, Amélia unlocks André's hidden personal visual archive, that proves that, indeed, francophone queers were alive and thriving years before they were born. This documentary shows how Amélia put together a presentation about their queer ancestors through screen capture, archival footage, interviews and narration that ends up changing their own view of themself as a queer french-canadian in the west.

Language: French (Canada)

Year of Production: 2023

Run Time: 15 min 38 sec

Country of Production: Canada

Aspect Ratio: 16:9

Genre: Documentary, Found footage